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♥ vain brain ♥
anything goes ♥
xmas break no more waking up at 5 in the morning no more pressure whether i am going to be late or not no more chemical formulas no more english poets no more filipino writing classes no more ss reformation discussions no more sacraments no more triangles, parallelograms and justifications no more visual basic no more swing and samba no more advance algebra for two weeks. all of these brain and body stressing stuffs will immediately resurrect next year. two weeks = too short. plans for this year-end break i realized this vacation is too damn short to bum all day or sit in front of this computer. and no matter how hard it is to work my muscles, i promise i'll try. to make things harder for me, i came up with some plans before the year ends. Driving Lessons - everyone i knew kept on nagging me to take driving lessons so i could drive as early as possible. i asked my mom if she can teach me but i dont think her schedule would permit. she told me to enroll in a driving school for less hassles. i am seriously considering this but if this vacation is too short for that, then i might move this plan on april. Cut on Shopping - when i realized i have a lot of stuff and that my atm is getting malnourished, i decided to restrain myself from going to malls and hoard on stuffs i dont really need. in fact, i still have 4 new shirts here, all of which aren't used. however, i am making an exception for online shopping. hehehe! Entrepreneurship - when i was a small kid, i used to sell some sweet delicacies and chichirias to my friends for very reasonable prices. and luckily, my small business boomed. i got some new children customers from the other street. hahaha. and now that i'm nearing adolescence, i still want to venture into business ideas but i dont really have a plan as of yet. a friend and i are considering business partnership, but whatever it is that we'll come up with, rest assured, it will be announced here. i'm still on the brainstorming stage now. Read a book - now, this is the hardest of all. everybody knows i'm lethargic when it comes to these things. i hope i can really read one, or if i did, i hope i can finish it. i just hope. No more softdrinks - and this is the largest lie in this entry. my heart would stop beating if i won't take even a glass of coke a day. this plan only means that i should.... Drink more water - sounds really easy but i don't know why i don't seem to complete 8 glasses a day. i am not even sure whether i can drink 4. Avoid aimless net surfing - this is the time i should get rid of that bad habit. with that, i can prevent our electric bill to triple just like what happened last summer. Do something about my recent breakouts - i hate having hyperactive hormones or whatever. i hate it when my skin reacts differently to new products. i hate it when i don't get to try several makeups just because my skin is slightly sensitive. and mostly, i hate not being able to religiously apply the medications. and this time, i should persevere more. besides, it's for my own good, isn't it? not that i am being pessimistic, but i can sense a miscarriage of all these targets. god knows how lazy i am and with that, you must get the idea. god bless me! ![]() Monday, December 11, 2006 a more well-brought-up reaction minus the harshness i decided to write an article about the most talked issue of the year, the Subic rape case but it ended up to be full of hatred, violent words and terrible attacks that might put me into a libel suit. however, in this new and supposedly decent and proper article, i will be trying my very best not to say anything horrific against the verdict that was released several days ago. i repeat : i will try. for the past few days, i've been hearing and reading news about the Subic rape case and it never failed to intersect my eyebrows and made me blurt dreadful words against the complainant, "Nicole". she didn't escaped my critical scrutiny which made me question her so-called "innocence". i am also a woman and i know how she felt about being "raped". i'm sure it will be hard for her to completely forget that night and move on with her life after what happened. moreover, i am also a person and i as well know how alleged and convicted sex-offender,Daniel, felt after being sentenced of reclusion perpetua while his other companions on the said crime were acquited for failure of the prosecution to adduce sufficient evidence against them. a lot of people have been debating over this issue since the case burst out. and it's not about the verdict. it's about 'Nicole'. well, i must admit i always bring conversations regarding this. i even asked my SS teacher and my adviser their views regarding her testimony. okay, let's have an evaluation here. she went to Neptune Bar late night of Nov.1, 2005. She's said to be dressed unproperly. She drank a lot and danced with Daniel Smith. And God knows what's next. she's wearing tight-fitting jeans that night. everybody knows how hard it is to remove it most especially inside a moving van. if she's having a hard time removing it, how much more the other man in the scene? okay, let's not dwell on that. going out late at night, drinking more than what you can really handle and dancing with a stranger are deeds that really smell fishy, for me . there is this famous line that says that "you are what you eat". yes, it's a different thing. we're not talking about food here but come to think of it, if we'll change the word 'eat' to 'act' , then maybe we're picturing the idea how the marines got hooked. maybe i am being conservative here, but if i'm really a woman of values, i wouldn't dance with a stranger in a bar. we all know and we see from movies how dancing can act as a catalyst to something more intimate, something more sexual. sure, even a whore can get raped. but the thing here really is whether she showed gestures that she is on for Smith. as how we say it, "actions speak louder than words. was she born only yesterday? aren't she aware that her ways of "having fun" are morally questionable and provocative? we are not anymore in a world where all men respect women of such character. she triggered the marines and thus commited the crime. her story is somehow comparable to the story of Adam and Eve. it was Eve who prompt Adam in eating the forbidden fruit. it was Eden who caused Adam to commit the mistake although Adam had his own decision, Eve had influenced him bite into it. temptation and sin are dynamic duos, you know. are the bottles of beer the culprit? are they to blame? of course not. she shouldn't have drank or she could've controlled herself and put things on the right place. if she really insists of taking alcohol, she should have just drank with discipline and responsibility like how a line will go, "drink moderately". sure, she wants fun. everybody wants fun. but is that the type of fun she wants? is that the fun she was looking for? going out and having fun doesn't mean you should forget all the values that your family, school, church and society cultivated on you. and making every possible way to get out of that awful scene or at least making a way to stop the penetration will move mountains. and as the aftermath of that mysterious and kinky night, a 21-year old man will spend 40 yrs of his life in jail. in an overcrowded jail of a third world country supported and once colonized by his own nation. and he also has to pay a total of 100,000 pesos for compensatory and moral damages. i am not saying Daniel Smith is innocent and Nicole is all to blame. No, what i am saying is IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO.
![]() Monday, December 04, 2006 para sa aking mga kababayan ![]() handog ko ang kandilang ito, ang konting halagang aking nakayanan at ang aking mga panalangin para sa mga biktimang nasawi at nasalanta ng bagyong Reming . hangad ko ang isang panibago at matiwasay na buhay para sa lahat . ![]() |